To Arms Young Cow

With the creation of Uldaur and it's content, much of it ends
up being 1 tank encounters instead of 2 tank encounters. Since
my compadre in the runs is a Death Knight, many of them end
up being them as the main tank and myself switching over to
DPS "MO"de.

Since our group already brings a fury warrior with the raid
buffs of rampage and battleshout, when I first started doing
dps I specced into arms. This has seemed to work, though
my dps is definitely not high on the charts currently. Mostly
this ends up being a gear issue since I had just started putting
together an arms set, and have mostly pre naxx gear, reputation
gear or a couple of pieces from Badge Gear.

Arms tends to be difficult to run, mostly because of Slams tendency
that if you breathe wrong it messes up the swing timer. Thirst for
blood which procs occasionally from rends, and sudden death procs
tries to even out this damage. Fights like kologarn are a little bit
easier since they require no movement (you can hit both arms and
the head by just standing at the mythical beltline and switching
targets manually). Arms does bring improved Demoralizing shout
and a 5% addon to bleed effects (which does help the fury warrior
dps as well as a rogue we generally carry with us) so there are benefits
to bringing a geared arms warrior.

The biggest push will be for me to raise my dps to get ready to
do hard mode kills and achievement/speed run kills. Most of these
require the 3.5-4.0 dps to be successful. Anything less and the enrage
timer ends up running out. Especially on bosses like holdir, where the
damage dealers have to stay in the white spotlights to get the damage
buffs to be successful.

Last night I was able to pump out 2.3k on Holdir, this included some
inflated numbers since I was able to stay in the white circles due to luck
and some good tank placement. But in the long run I may need a lot
more upgrades or even switching to fury to be able to get over the 4.0
hump for the achievement kills.

Picking up some dps items last night has helped. As a guild we generally
set it so that the Dps roll on the dps items first and then the tanks get
priority on the tanking items and they roll on the dps items as hand me
downs. This has worked for us, and now that we have at least from
Flame Leviathan to Holdir on relatively farm status (still a few hiccups
but nothing major) it'll be easier to concentrate on getting items trickled
down the pike.

The chemistry of our group is coming together again. We have yet
to have two weeks in a row that the same people are with us,
generally it's 1 person or another that isn't able to make it that week.
This week was our holy/shadow priest that wasn't able to make it.
So our setup was a pally/druid/Priest makeup for our healers (our
normal shadow priest was playing the role of healing priest)
and the dps was a little lower than usual. Our rogue wasn't able to
come but the crit buff from our new Boomkin helped a lot.

Sunday we'll be tackling Thorim, which mostly is on easymode
and then mimiron where the test starts again. We were able to knock
him out last week, especially after the change in his movement which
did help a lot in phase 4. General seems to be easier than I expected
and then it'll be starting on the Yogg encounter.