The Few, The proud, The Beginning

The funny part of starting a blog is what to say at first. Everyone
has this grand idea that they will be read. Adored, idolized
in the writing. That somewhere they will have that one idea
that pushes someone to new frontiers.

Me, I'm just not that smart. I play a game. A game I pay 15.00 a month
for and spend time at. It replaces dating at times, watching movies
and breathing fresh air. But I still enjoy it.

If you've entered my world, be fully warned. I don't pull punches,
and everyone will probably get splattered a bit in the melee. If you
are searching for genius Calculations on how to pull out the best
dps you can, wrong place sparky. If you're looking for how to
play a tauren warrior, you might learn something for that too.

But hopefully, you'll just get a glance into my world. And maybe
get a laugh or two.

So for introductions. My main character is a tauren warrior named
Mommar found on the Shandris Server. He tanks for one of the stronger
guilds on the Shandris server named Inner Peace. Haven't heard of us?
Well that's kinda the point. We don't really get into the hubbub about
progression or worrying so much about what epeen needs shining up
this week. We do what we do, we celebrate together and maybe just
maybe you might see us smile a bit.

I've been playing for over 2 year now. I started with Burning Crusade
and have been playing every since. Along with Mo being my Warrior
I have a few other characters. These include a 80 Hunter (who doesn't have
a hunter anymore, their almost as bad as Death Knight's), a 70 Enhancement
shaman, a couple of up and coming toons that I level from now and then
and then a couple of half way forgotten ones.

So sit back, enjoy the show. Share the popcorn and don't be afraid to
ask questions. But just buckle that seatbelt cause you might not always
like the answers I give.